Main Tasks
- Develop & design UI components.
- Develop solution to fetch & calculate PnL as well as the cost average from user transactions.
- Motion & interaction.
This was a self directed project to test the knowledge I had built up learning the React framework.
- Develop & design UI components.
- Develop solution to fetch & calculate PnL as well as the cost average from user transactions.
- Motion & interaction.
The purpose of the app was to retain the quality of life features that come with central exchange based wallets while still retaining the security benefits of not storing private keys in a hot wallet. These features would include user profit and loss, the cost average of their investment, the current value in of their investment in USD and the current price per coin in USD. This project was to serve as a companion application for semi-cold wallets like MetaMask, which do not offer users this information on their holdings.
- The inability for ETH holders to gain insight on the value of their wallet at a glance.
In doing this project I gained a deeper understanding of React's core concepts such as components & state. I also learnt how to manage state in a complex application and how to pass data between components. Going forward I would like this application to have a form one tap integration with third party wallets, so that users wont have to copy and paste their address every time they want an update. I would also like to expand the visualisation, by implementing charting for historical data. Overall, building this app was both a challenging and rewarding experience.
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